I wrote a week or two ago about the fox in the back yard. I said it was big. I told my sister it was big, I told people at work it was big, I told Mr. Tinkerpro it was big. He saw it later in the day and agreed. It was big. No one believed me. They said that I must be mistaken, fox don't get big. Nope, I know what I saw, we were about 10 feet from each other. We looked into each others eyes. He was big, deep red and VERY healthy looking.
Sunday TinkerSon2 was sitting at the diningroom table and heard a noise so turned around. Stanley was on the porch and so was the fox. He ran out the door, Stanley ran in and the fox ran around front. So I went out front to see, and it wasn't the same fox. This one is smaller. Pretty and healthy looking too, but smaller. So is that why the howling at night has stopped? Has Mr. Fox found a mate? Am I going to have little baby foxes running around the yard? That would be kinda cool.
Today on my way to work trying to get out of my neighborhood I saw a woodpecker. Down low on the truck of a tree in someone's front yard, not worrying about traffic. I love woodpeckers (except when they're pecking on my house).
THEN I was walking through the warehouse and the supervisor told me to come see something. We have several large delivery trucks, in the wheelwell in front, near a filter, a robin has built her nest, and I'm pretty sure she's sitting on eggs because she didn't move when we got close to look. The Super said that they took the truck to Loudoun and back and she was still there. That's about an hour drive each way. He said that there is another nexting bird in the other truck that just left for another campus. So called wildlife rescue to find out what to do. I'm not necessarily a bird lover, but I hate for cruel/bad things to happen to most animals. Crows and Geese deserve whatever they get. The rescue guy said to move the next if the eggs haven't hatched. Ms. Robin will either go sit on them wherever we move it, or she'll build another one and lay more eggs. If they hatch before we move it, I'm to call him back so he can tell me where a rescue person is who will take the babies.
So I left a message for the Super, told him to be sure and take care of this tomorrow first thing. I'd rather the eggs get abandoned than have to deal with baby birds, and letting two work trucks sit until they fly away isn't an option.
Wonder what tomorrow will bring.
I hope it is the internet. We lost internet at work for two days last week, today it went out around 10:30 and wasn't back when I left at 5:00 at this rate, all my filing will be caught up and I'll have labels on everything in sight.
The White Stuff
3 days ago
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