DD and DH are taking a math class together, DD because she is working on her degree to become a math teacher. DH because he wants to keep his mind sharp, and since he can audit for free since he's over 65, it is a win win for him. They took their first test on Tuesday. Let me also say that this is a remedial type class, DD because she wanted to review a few concepts even though she tested into pre-calc, DH because he hasn't been to school for awhile (see age above). They are constantly telling me how a lot of the students are having a hard time understanding the class. I feel for them, math isn't my strongest language either, and I've got one more math class to take. . . .
So teacher hands two pages to everyone, says there are two different tests. DH finished before DD. He walked by her desk when he took the test to teacher and saw that she had three problems left on the page, so he asked the teacher about the 2nd test, teacher said did you finish both pages? Yep DH said. Well, those were the two tests. DH left, waited for DD, he said almost 30 minutes and he couldn't figure out what was taking her so long for just three problems.
In the car on the way home, he asked, why did the test take you so long? There were only 3 problems left when I waked by. DD said, well, I had to do the back side of the page.
There were problems on the back of the pages?
The White Stuff
3 days ago
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