Thursday, March 31, 2011

A Week

Well, this has just been a week. I got very little knitting done. Will try and fix that tonight.

I did get homework done, but have more to do.

I did get more of my Couch to 5K walk/run in so I'm ready to start with Week 2 on Monday.

I did help a friend in a bind

I got a most fabuluous box from my swap partner in England. We've been writing each other almost every day and it is as if we are old friends. Sometimes you get a swap partner that you really click with, and this was one of those times and I'm ever so glad.

The weekend will be here after tomorrow and it is none too soon.

Hee is my package - I'll apparently be cooking this weekend to try out the new book.

1 comment:

Pam Sykes (aka Pretty Knitty) said...

Sounds like a pretty good week. . .knitting or not. Sorry Stanley doesn't seem to agree. . .! lol