Friday, April 30, 2010

Blowing out another person's candle will not make your's burn brighter

I still on my bully kick at work.   Been doing a ot of research and it ain't pretty.    Like with politicans and the very rich, being a bully is a successful career choice.   Your behavior is either ignored by management or swept under the table.   Or worse you're promoted to get you out of one department's hair and become someone elses problem.   I haven't quite figured out all the ins and outs of a successful bully and those that are enlisted to help attack the "target" yet, and maybe it's just because I never played on that playground. 

I didn't have time for the mean girls in grade school or the clicks in high school.  Which would probably explain my lack of ten million friends growing up.   And I'm not a particularly active gossip - but don't get me wrong, I like it as much as the next person.   But not the vicious lying gossip, I'm more of the friendly what's going on gossip.   I don't read the tabloids, pay attention to the stuff on the internet about who's done who wrong.   Any why would anyone want to waste an hour of their life that they can't get back listening to some whiney girl try and explain why she didn't ruin a marriage, just made herself available because the guy was so wanting her?   Or something like that.  I didn't catch it and am only sorta kinda paraphrasing.   This is why I don't watch much television.  And the cable company quit calling me to get me to sign up when I finally said, why would I pay good money for the crap that is shown on tv?   

Now I'm off to get some cash and shut eye.   Maryland Sheep & Wool is tomorow and I plan on being there early!   (will try and remember to take pictures)

Thursday, April 29, 2010

National Equal Pay Day, April 20, 2010

How odd that the President must make a proclamation about equal pay.   Still.   Really.

I don't actually pay too much attention peoples salaries or men v women pay rates or even "mens" jobs v "womens" job.    I kinda figured that all those years of fighting about equal rights, etc in the 60s, 70s and 80s was done and over.   Didn't we win that war?  Oh, I'm sorry, it wasn't a war it was an "economic difference".   Guess other life issues got in my way and that issue dropped off my radar, but if you find you're curious you can check out the Federal Register, dated Friday, April 23, 2010, page 21155 (sorry when I finally figure out how to add links it will truly be a day to be proclamated about).

Now its time for the next generation of girls to step up to the plate.   I did my part and want to enjoy myself now.   I fought for your right to even get a  decent job, join sports, wear pants to school - we'll ignore the mini-skirt issue because when I saw MY teenager girl wearing one, I wondered what I was thinking all those years ago.  And while you're working on this pay rate thing, please also look at the fashion side.   6" high heels only please men (and you don't notice THEM wearing them), and please see my post of several days ago about slapping people upside the head.   I truly believe that every boy/man who is wearing his pants below his waist to just above his knees needs a sound slap upside the head.   WHY do they think that is attractive?    Although it is funny to see them trip and fall  .  . . .  and when my own sons thought that was the "cool look that everyone is doing"  they found that being flagged unexpectedly by your mother in public is not necessarily so cool.

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Today is National Blueberry Pie Day.   WOW, who'd a thought?    This day deserves a trip to the store today for a pie to make and lots of ice cream.  yummm

And okay, that's about all I got.  I got my "mojo" for life back and am kickin ass again which makes my family very happy.   It makes me very happy that last night when I drug myself home exhausted (I had been awake since 2 a.m.) I walked straight into the kitchen, opened the refrigerator door, pulled a package of chicken out, handed it to my and said make dinner, I'm going to bed.

An hour and half later, he lightly tapped on my door, said mom dinner will be ready in 15 minutes if yu want to get up.   So I did, knowing full well if I didn't I'd be up again all night.  Dinner was delish.   Grilled chicken, corn and green beans.   And not a lot of mess in the kitchen.   Sometimes those boys do amazing things.

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Tranquil Tuesday

Well, I've been up since 2 a.m. so we'll see if this truly turns out to be a better day than yesterday and tranquil.    I'm not on a rampage at the moment, althought I ram-ged and pa-ged in the wee hours.   Trying to deal with small minded, insecure, entitled feeling, idiots with attitude is not my strong suit.  I'm at this particular job to serve a greater purpose, and I said I was up to the challenge, however I may not last.    How in the hell can you be accused of your apology not being good enough?    Are we in 5th grade?   Are we high school girls?   NO.  We are suppose to be professional women, doing a professional job.   And while I'm not quite old enough to be this woman's mother, I'm darn close.   And when I won't rise to the bait, I'm slammed back down anyway.   My ass should be black and blue by now and I should have whiplash.   My husband wants to know why the mean hasn't come out, and I'm trying not to let it for various and sundry reasons.

Ah well.

I plugged the ipod into the speakers last night and beautiful soothing music emerged.   Oh that was a good moment.   Poor thing is a little dinged but I got me sound.   Now if I could just convince the computer to communicate with the ipod, I'd be able to put the new stuff I just bought on it.

Monday, April 26, 2010

National Pretzel Day

A few weeks CAP was having an electric appliance crises.   Last week Norma was having a day.   Her equipment was having a day too.   Last night it was apparently my turn.

Last week I worked on my knitting room.  I got yarn hung up, I installed shelfs (well one) I rearranged and spruced up.    Last night there was a terrible crash.  I thought my son fell down the steps.   My husband though I fell down the steps, we all ran.   My shelf fell.   Not only did that make huge holes in the walls - because apparently I'm incapable of securing shelving to the wall and unable to find the studs even when I measure.   My DVD player, wii and bose speakers for my ipod hit the floor.   arggggg.

I'll fix it this week, hope for the best on all the electronics and post pictured :(

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Happy Earth Day

I was actually going to write about how virtuious I can be on not leaving much of a carbon footprint.   Can't spell either apparently.   I don't use plastic bottles unless absolutely necessary, I re-use alum. foil (becuase I'm cheap) and use mostly plastic or glass containers.   I carry an insulated bottle of water, I use canvas type bags when I go to the market . . . except sometimes I have them put everything in plastic bags whic I then re-use for lunches or when I clean out the litter box (but not at the same time) and I HATE buying trash bags,   that is to me like literally thorwing money away.   I feel the same way about TP.   If it ain't on sale, I don't buy it. 

Then I saw the followng on FB and decided it expressed me so well today . . .

Please pass this on if you know someone, or have been affected by someone, who needs a smack upside the head.  People who need a smack upside the head affect the lives of many.  TThere is still no known cure for someone who needs a smack upside the head, except a smack upside the head, but we can raise awareness.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Books and National fill in the blank Day

Okay, so now my new plan is to announce (by way of someone else telling me first) what "National Day" it is.   Today is National Choclate Covered Cashew Day.    Somehow that one doesn't float my boat.  So nothankyouverymuch.   Maybe this will help me blog more often.

And, CAP asked for suggestions for her reader's top five classics of all times to read.   MAN there are a lot of choices, and I thought her idea of reading classics this summer is a good one - except I think I'll see what I can get on tape so that I can listen and knit/drive/wash dishes at the same time.   And quite frankly, reading puts me right to sleep, even if it is a good book.  There was a suggestion of 1001 books to read befor you die.   So of course i printed it out.   Maybe I'll have to really make time for this.

On knitting news, I'm working on a stealth project, Hagar's blanket and a sweater for me.   But I just saw a misstake in one of the sleeves so will be ripping that one out - but not until I finish the stealth project and Hagar's blanket.  Both of which have deadlines which I am no where near where I need to be to get them done.

But DH asked me last nigh to go to Carlisle with him Saturday.   BIG FUN - not.   Nothing but car parts and old smelly gross things.   I whined and said but it's going to rain on saturday . . . of course if this were a wool festival I'd be gone in a hurry and not worry about a little thing  like rain (and not ask him to go).   But then I got to thinking,  it is a 2 hour drive each way.   I can get a lot of knitting done in 2 hours each way and not have the nagging in the back of my head that I should really be working, or mopping the floor, or weeding the garden or just about anything else besides knitting.   So I may just suck it up and go.   Hard to turn down free knitting time.   And I can always work harder every night when I get home from the first job - as opposed the the 2nd job, which has nothing to do with the daily house stuff like cleaning and laundry that needs to be done.

Monday, April 19, 2010

Stanley and Jack

Cant' you see I'm trying to sleep?
Can't you see I'm hiding?

Friday, April 16, 2010


I'm a huge fan of public transportation.  I use it every day to get to work and home again.  Walk to the bus, take the bus to the train, take the train to the office.  That means 30-40 minutes of unintrupped knitting time, and I don't have to worry about traffic, accidents and the like (although sometimes I do worry about the skill of the bus driver).

Yesterday I had a blip in my morning and ended up driving to the subway - because I'm NOT driving into town, not only is parking hard to come by, but it is not less than $20 a day.   So, not a problem, found a parking space at the metro and hopped on my train, helped some tourists and knitted.   Sun is shining, la la la la la.

Last night, I remembered that I needed to take a different train out of town in order to get my truck, I changed trains at the proper location, happily sat down and planned to knit for 20 minutes.   All was moving along as it should.   Then we pulled into a station, the driver announced Eisenhower and everyone one of us stopped.  Still.   Eisenhower?   That's the yellow line.   We are on a blue line train.   Huh?    Then the driver said as we left the last stop, apparently Central switched us to the wrong track  Duh.  So then he says, we're going to go back to King  and turn around.   Well, okay.  Fine.   Then he said  everyone needs to get off the train because this train is out of service.   Crap.   I was in the middle of a row and decided to finish it before moving.   As I stood up, he announced everyone on the blue line train who got off can get back on, we're going to King .   I sat back down.    Kept knitting because I knew that this was going to take another 15 minutes.   We got to King, he stopped, opened the doors and said this train is going out of service everyone needs to get off, cross the platform and get on the next blue line train.

Well okay,  fine.   Fortunately a train was pulling into the station and even better I got a seat.   Got to the correct train station, actually remembered where I had parked, and (this is where I should have gotten suspicious) got out of the parking garage and on my way with no trouble and little time.

I made a stop on my way home, about 5 minutes from the train station and 20 minutes from home.   But I knew what I wanted, knew I probably wouldn't be on this side of town again this weekend and figured it would save me a trip on Saturday.   Got what I wanted, used a 40% off coupon and was in and out of the store in 5 minutes.   (I should have gotten more suspisious) but life has been pretty good lately.  I was patting myself on the back for not getting stressed about the train problem, I knew that things were in order at home.  I scheduled a walk that evening with my daughter and then was going to work for a few hours.

Hopped in the truck, turned the key.  click.  click.  click.  click.  Hmmm, okay.  well, I'll just call home.   Of course my phone was on it's last little battery thingy, which I knew but was going to charge while driving home.   Called, and rescue is on the way.   Not a problem, opened the door because it was a little warm, I had my water and knitting.   I have for the time being found my zen in my little world.   Not letting things I can't control bother me for more than an instant, and just moving on.

DH arrived in quick time, looked at my battery and was dismayed to see the green crud, and then gave me the look of why didn't you take care of this?   WELL, I don't do cars.  I can, and I have ,but I don't anymore.  That is what I have him for.   And my son is a mechanic.   But if you don't have a family member who is a mechanic, you wouldn't know that mechanics cars run worse than anyone elses cars.  They work on cars all day, why would they want to do that at home?

Okay, so I'll buy a battery on the way home, just get me started.   Hooked everything up.   Nothing.  click, click, click.  Damn.  So after a few minutes of thought, well guess it is the starter.  Then I remembered when I started the truck that morning, there was a little bit of wheezing.   I thought to myself will have to let the boys know tonight.    So, okay.  It's been awhile since we've had to fix a car on the side of the road (or in a parking lot) but it can be done.   Went and bought a new starter, went home and changed because I was going to end up being the helper on this job since son was in school, grabbed tools and flashlights because now it is dark and off we went to get my truck going.

DH crawled under truck.   Hmmmm, that starter isn't coming out tonight.   Pipes have to be dropped.   So, we packed it all up, and figured in the morning we'd go back with another truck and just tow it home.   I was a little worried that the shopping center management would tow it, but slept anyway.  4 AM DH is awake, worried about truck being towed.   Decided that he didn't want to tow it with our truck so he called tow company.  Fine.  Whatever.   I just need it fixed.    So he met the tow truck guy at 6:15 and got my baby home.  $120 later.   

In the meantime, I left at my normal time, was almost to the bus stop when the stinkin' bus came.  Three minutes early.  And what really peeved me is that the neighbor two doors down from me, saw me coming and didn't tell the driver to wait.   I really dislike that family more and more.   And we've been neighbors for almost 25 years.  That's pretty pathetic and guess I'll have to work on my 'tude huh?    Hmmm, do I wait for DH to come home and drive me down to the main road?   No, don't be lazy.  You have time.  So I walked to another bus stop that is served by a different bus.    That is the nice thing about my neighborhood, I have bus options.  Of course traffic was horrible.   Got some good quality knitting done, and was actually to work 2 minutes early.   Yeah me!

This is going to be a great weekend.

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Taxes and other Miscellaneous Things

Well, those are at least done, just need to write the stinkin check.   Next year I wonder what will happen.   DH retired earlier this year, income level cut more than in half.  Hmmm, well, we shall see.   I'm going through the enormous process of applying for student aid now to begin in the fall.   Bet they will only want to take into account last year's income and not this years lack thereof.  Oh well, I can keep applying.

I received some awsome yarn in the mail last week.  I've really got to get my projects more in line with all the yarn I have.  But am making progress with Hagar's blanket, my sock is on hold for the time being, I was working on the heal last weekend and apparently using the Vulcan death grip on my size 0 harmony dpns.   Snapped two of them.  In less than 5 minutes.   Decided I'd best put that project down for a bit, and at least wait until I order more.   So of course I started the sleeves to a sweater. 

And most excisting in my life this week.   I'm a sample knitter for a local (well within 60 miles of me) yarn dyer.  She wants to try and have everything in time for MDSW which is less than a month away, and I don't have the project  yet so I don't know, but she can certainly have them for Rhinebeck. 

I also still have my cable sweater that needs to be sewn together and the collar knitted - I'm not doing the directions for the finishing, because I don't want a hood, so I'm kinda sitting on it thinking, thinking, thinking.

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Knitting and Walking

Knitting, ripping back.   Knitting, ripping back.   Man have I gotten good at this.  But I've got to get my act together, I've become a test knitter for a yarn designer.  I. AM. SO. EXCITED.    Now I'm having anxiety that my work won't measure up, sorta like why I quit swapping.   Is my package good enough?  Will my partner like it?   Will I get crappy stuff back yet again?  But that is for another day.   I got word today that my first project should be in the mail by the end of the week so I really need to get caught up on all my other projects   hahahahahahaha

On another note, my daughter tried to do me in tonight.   She sent me a text message this afternoon, lets skip exercise class and walk instead.   Sure, fine, I haven't felt like going to class anyway, and it's pay as you go so it isn't as if I lose the money.  I got home and she said lets go to the lake and back.  Hmmm.   We haven't done that for almost 5 years, are you sure you want to do that?   Wouldn't you just rather go longer through the neighborhood.   Oh, she said, well if you don't want to . . . ..

So I said okay.   Almost 2 hours later and 9,000 stinkin steps (cuz I wear my pedometer most days) I am not exhausted.   Not tired, not bone weary, but my muscles (and fingers) aren't working properly so with this note, I think I'll go shower and just go to bed. 

Sure do hope I can get up in the morning!

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Happy Easter!

After a quiet but productive day, okay, I went to the market and church.   We didn't have a big spread but my sister and her family came over for dessert that my wonderful daughter made.   yummmmm

What could be better than strawberries, cream cheese and made from scratch cake?   Why, a piece for breakfast with a cup of coffee ;)

When she was a senior in high school, my daughter and her friend announced the day before easter that they were going to provide dessert for the family at my sister's house the next day.   o k a y.   So I called my wonderful sister to give her a heads up and then stayed out of the kitchen.   I pointed out that there would be about 15 people for lunch, and my sister lives 90 minutes away.

They spent hours looking at cookbooks and magazines.   Decided on their dessert, went to the store with a list and then proceeded to trash my kitchen (and burn up my mixer). 

We had the most wonderful yule log ever.   Decorated with merange drops instead of ivy.   It was re-named the Easter Log and is what legends are made of.  It was also fondly remembered today as we at her strawberry cake.