Okay, so now my new plan is to announce (by way of someone else telling me first) what "National Day" it is. Today is National Choclate Covered Cashew Day. Somehow that one doesn't float my boat. So nothankyouverymuch. Maybe this will help me blog more often.
And, CAP asked for suggestions for her reader's top five classics of all times to read. MAN there are a lot of choices, and I thought her idea of reading classics this summer is a good one - except I think I'll see what I can get on tape so that I can listen and knit/drive/wash dishes at the same time. And quite frankly, reading puts me right to sleep, even if it is a good book. There was a suggestion of 1001 books to read befor you die. So of course i printed it out. Maybe I'll have to really make time for this.
On knitting news, I'm working on a stealth project, Hagar's blanket and a sweater for me. But I just saw a misstake in one of the sleeves so will be ripping that one out - but not until I finish the stealth project and Hagar's blanket. Both of which have deadlines which I am no where near where I need to be to get them done.
But DH asked me last nigh to go to Carlisle with him Saturday. BIG FUN - not. Nothing but car parts and old smelly gross things. I whined and said but it's going to rain on saturday . . . of course if this were a wool festival I'd be gone in a hurry and not worry about a little thing like rain (and not ask him to go). But then I got to thinking, it is a 2 hour drive each way. I can get a lot of knitting done in 2 hours each way and not have the nagging in the back of my head that I should really be working, or mopping the floor, or weeding the garden or just about anything else besides knitting. So I may just suck it up and go. Hard to turn down free knitting time. And I can always work harder every night when I get home from the first job - as opposed the the 2nd job, which has nothing to do with the daily house stuff like cleaning and laundry that needs to be done.
The White Stuff
3 days ago
1 comment:
4 hours of knitting time in the car on a rainy day. . .worth it to spend some time at a car thing! Remember, you can go back to the car and knit more if the rain is too bad. . .or google yarn shops before you go, and see if there are any close. . .then you can visit in the car, out and back, and you both get to "play" a bit as well. . .
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