College study guidelines recommend that you study three hours at home for every hour of class you have. Seriously? That would be 33 hours a week for me. I've been cramming it in in 15 minute slots here and there. In the morning with my coffee, at lunch instead of reading The Girl with the Dragon Tatoo and I Really want to finish that. At night after class and this weekend I studied, cleaned, studied, did laundry, studied, bought food for the week, studied, oh, and then I went out to Misty Mountain Farm and played with yarn for a few hours. Because a girl's gotta do what a girl's gotta do. I knitted for the first time in a week Saturday morning from 6 to 7 am while watching the Outer Limits and drinking coffee. I don't really miss television because A it's a huge time sucker and B there is never anything interesting on. Except NCIS on Tuesdays and I'm home from school before it starts, made sure of that on my schedule. And how pathetic is it that I enjoyed the Outer Limits?
Well the crazy schedule only lasts 8 weeks, then it gets a little less crazy . . . .
The White Stuff
3 days ago
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