Five or Six Years ago, we bought this:
It was great for about 6 months. Super quiet after the 20 year old machine we had been using, which worked great, only needed to be repaired once. But finally it was time to allow it to go to that big washing machine place in the sky. But I digress.
First the quietness of the new machine got a little louder, until it sounded like I don't know what, but it was loud. Mr. TinkerPro did some research and found out that there were many complaints about the noise, something about the rollers the tub spun on wearing out. Okay, I can live with that, I just don't start the washer before bed since it is right below my room. Two weeks ago it started a new noise, and decided that instead of spinning the last cycle,it should just show error code. And once it got started again, it usually started half way through the cycle so another 30 minutes of filling up with water, etc. At least I was sure there was no soap left in the clothes, but more often than not I had to let them drip for a day before I could put them in the dryer. NOT a fun way to do laundry.
Research and shopping brought us to this:
Not exactly in love with it, although I've only used it 4 times since it was installed (yesterday), but at lest it does the job. For now. For the first time ever we bought extra insurance for an appliance. Typically I think that is a waste of money, but since research had proven that big ticket items are not made to last anymore than 6 years, and we had problems with the last washer in less than 1 year, we decided that it was worth it. I can guarantee that every little problem this machine has will result in a call to the repairman.