Saturday, January 5, 2013

If Not Now Then When?

That was the question posed to me this afternoon by TinkerHusband about my itunes and ipod.   I have a love/hate relationship with that little piece of equipment.   Last spring, when the taxes were done but not yet printed out, my computer died.    Not an "oh, it has a problem so lets do a backup and fix it now" dead but a "You ain't getting diddly squat off me baby" dead.

April 10th.    Got the taxes re-done and turned in on time, then got a new computer.    I know how to do what I know how to do on a computer.    And if I can get someone else to set things up for me, then I will because I always forget the steps and get frustrated and just walk away.    I have written instructions on how to use Flicker.   When they changed it, I about cried trying to re-write my instructions.    I never got itunes put back on the computer.  My ipod wasn't up to date and the one time I sat down to get it done, the computer and itunes weren't speaking.   

Today after 55 minutes, I have itunes back on my computer and my ipod is up to date.    Yay Me!
No, I don't have an ipad, I don't use my phone for music, although TinkerSon2 says that I have pandora on it and would like it if I would only give it a try.    It is on the "list".

Next is my goals for the month chart.    I can probably get that done by tomorrow night, and I've already got gold stars on the shopping list.

Gold Stars beat technology any day of the week

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