Thursday, May 21, 2009

Chocolate and Coffee Swap

I've joined the C&C swap on ravelry and my partner this time is from Fineland. HOW COOL IS THAT? Okay, maybe for those of you living there, not so cool, but I think it is great! I haven't traveled for years, and it is on my list of things to start doing in the next few years now that everyone is grown up, last kid will be out of college next spring and then my money is more mine. I started stalking her she has a website and I though hey, how cool is that? Popped into visit it. It is all in finnish. harump, don't think I'll be learning that language anytime soon and her english is really good so I'm feeling like that stupid american now, but maybe there is a way for me to get it in english. I'm going to work on that one. Of course if I was more capable on this stupid computer/innernet stuff, it is probably a simple fix. Well, I did figure out how to blog and it didn't take THAT long, just haven't figured it all out yet.


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