Saturday morning I scheduled all sorts of "me" time. Well, just a massae and a manicure, but TinkerSon was working and MrTinkerpro was suppose to go out of town for the day. My first stop of the morning was with Kathy, a most magnificent massage therapist. I've known her as a friend before she ever finished training, and was one of a group of five who encouraged her, once she got her license to give up cleaning houses and open her massage office. Full time. Just go for it! It took her awhile to let go of the house cleaning business. I understood. She had been cleaning houses for over 25 years, it was comfortable, and steady income. Massage therapy was a new venture and untested waters. Well, less than 10 years later, she has two offices, more clients than she can manage and a website.
While she was torturing me and working out sore muscles I didn't know were sore, we caught up on the kids and families and life. I asked her about fox in her neighborhood. She lives about 5 miles from me. Yep, she said they are everywhere. And they steal news papers. Huh? She said that there has been a problem in the neighborhood, and they though the delivery guy just wasn't doing his job until they kept seeing fox running down the street with the entire plastic bag with a paper in it.
So of course Sunday morning, I go outside rather late for me, 7:30 am to get my paper and what do I see? Walking up the sidewalk is a fox. With a paper in it's mouth. After making sure it wasn't MY paper, I just stood there with my hands on my hips staring it down. It stopped and stared back. So I said good morning. And then with some authority, Drop it. After all, that usually works with dogs.
Nope. No such luck so some poor neighbor was without their sunday morning paper. Evil Tinkerpro hoped it was the neighbor down the street she isn't too fond of.
Pretty soon the fox will be running for office in the county since they are catching up on their reading. They certainly can't do any worse than the yo yos that are currently running the government.
The White Stuff
3 days ago
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