For some reason, there just doesn't seem to be enough of it anymore. Or to be more accurate I'm not maximizing my time to the best of my ability.
Crazy Aunt Purl wrote about how people stuck in traffic couldn't wait 3 - 5 minutes to get past an accident and instead were involved in their own accident, which does truly delay you more. Traffic lights are the same way. While I get annoyed as the next person when I've pissed off the red light fairy and she makes me stop at EVERY STINKIN LIGHT between where I am and where I want to be, I remind myself that a red light is no more than 2 minutes. It's true. I've timmed it. Several times, different lights. So then I take a deep breath and remind myself two minutes. That isn't so bad.
Carole's Ten for Tuesday is books you would recommend to your friends. I don't have any. I haven't been reading lately and that is a shame because I love to read. I use to empty shelves at the library and read. I read while riding the bus to work, I read at lunch, on the bus home, and I would stay up half the night reading. When I was single, by Sunday afternoon my back and legs would ache. I'm so slow that it took me 6 months to realize that laying on the couch and reading all weekend was a great way to rest my mind, but my body was rebelling and I needed to get my fat ass off the sofa and move.
I keep counting down the days until July 1st. Work is crazy, the staff is crazy and we need to get through the year-end stuff. July first marks the new fiscal year, a fresh start. Now that I know what needs to be done at year-end next year I will truly do things differently. In the meantime I'm trying not to wish my days away. I realized that it is almost July. Today is the first day of summer. I don't want to have to think about fall and winter quite yet.
There things I want to accomplish this summer and I need it to last.
So, I'm slowing down, smelling the coffee (yummy) and not going to stress anymore. Stress is not something I usually do anyway. The work will be there tomorrow. The world won't tilt off it's axis. I won't get fired if something gets delayed. And the mafia isn't going to come after me if accounting doesn't get the invoice processed before next Monday.
Last week I walked around the lake on campus since I haven't been down there for awhile. The baby turtles were lined up on logs near the shore. So cute. Then I saw the biggest goldfish I'd ever seen. I swear it was a foot long.
Note to self: Go sit by the lake for 10 minutes every day for the next two weeks, enjoy the scenery.
The White Stuff
3 days ago
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