Thursday, July 8, 2010

Class Action Suits

Silly, some of them are just silly.    I joined classmates dot com awhile ago.   I'm not sure why, I didn't really care for anyone from high school except a hand full of people, I've only run into two former classmates "in public" since I graduated over 30 years ago.   And I live less than 10 miles from my high school.   My kids went to a different high school and I never saw a parent I knew from school.   But the web site caught my interest and I wondered if I could see what people have been doing, did any one really remember me, and I think the first time I checked it out was because our 20 year reunion was coming up.    But I don't pay for that suff.   So of course I can't see "who signed my book today" and who is doing what, about the only information I get is when another classmate signs on - and sometimes it appears to be a class mate who graduated several years after I did.  

Then someone took over the job of planning a 30 year reunion, she gathered everyone's email addresses and sent out a mass email.   I get those still and after the reunion (I didn't go) I'll get a mass email about either the next one they are planning or about someone's parent passing away since we're old our parents are somehow older too.   

But I digress.   I got an email this morning about a class action suit against classmates dot com.   I was "flagged" as someon who might be eligible to receive a settlement.   Someting about how they were charging for gold services and either you didn't get them, or your membership hadn't expired or something.   I didn't read it all because as we all know, if I can't get something like that for free then I won't do it.     Although I did pay for a subscription to another thing like this . . . bug!

So I read the email to see what was what.   I stopped when I got to the line that said you may be entitled to a check for $2.00  or a credit of $3.00 the next time you renew your gold membership.     really.    the lost opportunity of getting this refund because I'm too cheap to spend money to be in contact with people I no longer know has passed me by.   I could have gotten a cup of coffee and a hash brown with that money - maybe.

I wonder how much money was truly lost/spent in the pursuit of my $2 - 3 refund opportunity?   

1 comment:

Pam Sykes (aka Pretty Knitty) said...

I got that email too. I also do not pay for that stuff. Ditto to everything you said. . .and we should go out for coffee anyway!