And it's Friday, what better wayto end your day than with a date night out for dessert. Think we'll do this tonight. I love cheesecake, but don't usually buy it becuase it's so rich and we can't eat it all. Well we could, but we don't.
In knitting news I finally admitted that thre is a sweater I'm never going to finish. I have the back done, I have the sleeves done. I've started the front five times. It is a simple ss stitch except for the 45 stitches of pattern. I count the stitches between my markers. 45. I knit the pattern row and there is always a stitch left over (and there was no increase stitch). Or I knit the pattern and it ends where it should so I knit to the end of the row. I purl back. The pattern row has too many stitches. I rip out, I try again.
I have seen a couple of people knit up the Minimalist Cardigan and thought it looked pretty nice, would make a good sweater to wear everywhere. Yarn? See above. Why yes, I am ripping out the back as I knit this one, there is just a tad of satisfaction in finally winning over that stupid sweater I started two years ago.
Now however, I'm finding that not only am I challenged with a simple k2, p1 in one diection and p2, k1 in the other, but I can't even seem to do a moss stitch. Well, I did finally realize I'd dropped a stitch so once I fixed that it got better.
The White Stuff
3 days ago