Dentist appointment tonight. Ugh. I really don't like going to the dentist. But that is because back in the dark ages the dentists were truly horrible. I had a horrible experience when I was 4 and refused to go after that for almost 5 years. I clearly remember the dentist yanking me out of the chair by my arm and dragging me out into the waiting area and telling my mom to bring me back when I could behave civilly. He hurt me, so I wouldn't open my mouth again. Then he and his assistant started yelling at me. Like any normal 4 year old, I threw up. Grape juice. To this day I've hated grape juice. Wouldn't even buy it for my children. Won't eat grape jelly either. Guess I kept a VIVID picture of that in my head.
My mom finally put her foot down and forced me. She found someone who specialized in children and especially ascared children. He actually wasn't so bad, but his assistants sucked. They were bitter nasty old women. I cried one time and they looked at each other and said if you can't stand this pain you'll never be able to have a baby . . . like they would know, back then it was knock the mom out when she got to the hopsital and when she woke up she had a baby. Stupid Old Hags. I gave birth to three chldren with no medication - there was no way they were sticking me in the back with a needle. HA
So then when I was older I started going to see my parent's dentist. He was pretty good, would knock me out to do fillings, he had a kind and soft voice and was tolerable. Until he got old. I took the kids to him when they needed to go. I went once every 5 years or so . . . . then he started missing things on the kids. I wouldn't have known except DD works for a dentist. So DS went to her office to have his teeth cleaned. They were in bad shape. DD's teeth weren't as bad but her boss said they needed work. I finally caved and went - but not until I'd broken a tooth and DD found out and made me. The kicker was my other DS saw the Army Dentist who really complained about his dental care. Back in the day, military dentists weren't known to be the best either. Then I got worried about our family dentist. So now we're all on a regular program, I unfortunately have to go every 4 months, but they baby me, numb me up and I just plug myself into my Ipod. Anything other than a cleaning is valium time. And they humor me :)
SO on my way home, I bought pizza and wine and ice cream. Let the getting the teeth dirty begin!
The White Stuff
3 days ago