I've been reading/getting flylady for oh, 6 or 7 years now. Love the concept, have a hard time getting into the routines. I make my bed (military dad, that one was pretty mandatory), clean my kitchen because I finally learned the wisdome and joy of having a clean kitchen. Do laundry pretty much every day, because once when my kids were little and my parents came to visit, by the time I got home the entire livingroom was full of clean folded clothes, and my mother said she felt like she was working in a chinese laundry. After that, the laundry never got quite so bad (oh the shame) and she wasn't even criticizing. Swish and Swipe I'm getting, good on my bathroom, good on the basement bathroom. Son's bathroom, well he'll figure it out - although I was in there today and it DEFINATELY needs mom's hand, sigh.
Now, I've been turned on to 1,000. Get rid of 1,000 items in a year. And there is a story about a guy who only owns 75 things, and before he can bring something new in, he has to get rid of something old. I can actually see this happening. Well, maybe not the 75 things, but using the 1,000 number as a starting point. As I look around the family room, I can see a good number of items that can GO. but not jack cuz he's so cute sleeping on the footstool, which he fell off of a few minutes ago when he stretched.
So, tomorrow I'll start tossing. Why tomorrow? Well, it is late now and way past my bedtime, and tomorrow is trash day so I can put things straight into the dumpster then roll it out. Will have to remember to list all the crap as it goes. . . . yeah right.
The White Stuff
3 days ago
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