Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Ten On Tuesday

This weeks assignment:    Ten Things I am Looking Forward to Right Now.

1.    Breakfast.    Yes, I eat breakfast every day, usually oatmeal or a egg sandwich, but today I
       will have something different because I have a day off.

2.   Shoveling snow.   Yep, that would be the cause of why I have a day off.    Not only is my office
       closed, but the Fed. Gov. is closed.    That would mean that everyone will be heading for the
       mall later.  Silly people

3.  Sun.   Because when it shines on the sparkling snow it is extra pretty.

4.  Visit with my mom this weekend.

5.  Spring.   Yep, a long way off, but already I am thinking about what to do in the yard, how
     soon I should get started, and the all important question . . . will I actually DO anything?

6.   A little housework.   Because I slacked off this weekend having fun with family - much
      more important that housework, the bathrooms and kitchen are clean so it isn't horrible.

7.   Church rummage sale.    Next month.    I like working in the baby room, sorting clothes and toys
      and getting them ready for the sale.    I also like gathering stuff out of my house to donate.

8.  A quiet day knitting (after shoveling snow)

9.   Girl Scout Cookies - Arrival anticipated any day now!

10.   Getting those taxes finished.

Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Ten on Tuesday

This week's challenge:   10 things I love:

1.      Of course my family.

2.      Knitting.    Most of the time.  Sometimes I find myself putting it in time out or throwing it on the floor and stomping on it.  But I still love it.

3.      The early morning quiet of my house and a hot cup of coffee.    Except when Jack is hungry, that cat can make more noise than a screaming toddler.

4.      Being outside.    Yeah, a little vague, but the fresh air, sun, clouds, SNOW.

5.      Reading.    Need to do more of it, and working toward that goal.

6.      Finishing something.    I have so many projects going on and “things to do.”  That feeling of I am done is a good one.

7.      Health Insurance.   Very controversial subject, but when we need it, I’m glad I can afford it.

8.      Exercise.   Sure, I grumble when I remind myself to get started, but it feels good when I am done, and especially when the waist band of my pants is a little loose.   Not that it is these days, but I’m working on it.

9.      My warm fuzzy sweats on a cold evening, with a hot cut of tea.

10.   2014.    It was a year of trials, tribulations and chaos.   But I could honestly say a few weeks ago that as bad as last year was, the one good thing I learned was to bite my tongue.   For me that is a BIG DEAL.   My mouth often separates itself from my brain and any common sense that I may or may not have goes away and my mouth just runs with it.    I learned in 2014 to step back from the problem/turmoil/whatever, take a deep breath, maybe wait a day to respond, and then be thoughtful in my answer/response.    WOW.
okay, I have 11.    I Love that I totally just realized today is Wednesday but I'm posting my Ten on Tuesday anyway!