Monday, October 25, 2010

Southeast Animal Fiber Festival

Well.    Since this is technically suppose to be a knitting blog, not a I forgot all about you or I'm feelin snarky blog, perhaps I should start making it about knitting again huh?

Last Friday I piled into my sister's van with our friend and off we went to Western NC for SAFF.  SAFF is technically Friday - Sunday, but since none of us got our acts together last winter while dealing with unusal amounts of snow, we forgot to sign up for classes.  So we were able to take that money and apply it to our shopping.  Score!    We are also fortunate with SAFF in that my mom lives about 20 miles from the fair grounds.   And she is a kind and wonderful mom who allows us to use her home as a hotel.    Of course, we took her out to most awsome dinner but more about that later.   And she doesn't go to SAFF anymore, decided the steps and walking just wasn't her thing.   Since she's 89 we don't argue.  

But we did take her to a Ravelry meet up at the Fairfield Inn on Friday night.   The hotel was kind enough to give us a meeting room for free.    The organizer told them to expect about 100 people, since last year there were about 80.   They gave us a room that held 40.    As Yarn Harlot has said, don't underestimate the power of knitters.  A good time was had by all, even if we had to be a little quiet to keep the noise level to a medium roar.  Door prizes were given out, some dyers donated their stuff, a couple companies donated.  

After a long day (I left at 5:30 a.m.) we put our weary heads down about 10:30, knowing it would be up and out the door by 8 am to sit in a parking lot and wait for the doors to open.

how pathetic is that?



crossing the river

Ravelry meet up