This is the week between the holidays that is most in limbo. Christmas celebrations are over, family is either gone or making noises about leaving, kids are catching up with their friends before everyone scatters back to where they belong. Resolutions are being made. I don't typically make resolutions because then I feel bad when I don't succeed with them and one thing I've learned about myself is if I declare that I'm going to do something, I somehow make sure that I never do. It took me until a couple of years ago to realize that and I'm still trying to figure out how to get around it.
So, here's my list of 10 things I would like to accomplish in 2011 in random order and with no pressure to make sure they are actually successfully completed.
1. Knit more. This won't be too hard, I'm doing a KAL and one of the things I'm organizing this week while I'm off is all my UFOs and projects I have yarn and patterns for but haven't started.
2. Go meatless for 2 dinners a week.
3. Stop checking Ravelry while at work all the time. Really. I've got hugs projects to start in January and won't have the time anyway. And it is very poor work ethic to be on Ravelry when I should be working, or at least doing homework.
4. Get control of how much I eat. I started using smaller plates in an effort to have portion control. So that means I go back for seconds. Really NOT my intention.
5. Get the treadmil fixed. The belt has been broken for over a year. First I didn't get it fixed because I wasn't working and it seemed not a good use of my available cash when I could go outside for free. Now I work again, I need it to work. Of course, I have to crawl on the ground to find the model number, but really, this is something I can do this week.
6. Remember to take my camera when I go places and actually use it.
7. Spin more and then use the yarn to make something. I got a woolie winder, it is making simply lovely yarn. While I don't like the chatter the bobbin makes, I LOVE the product.
8. Reduce the grocery bill. Going meatless twice a week will help, but really, I need to start thinking about replacing my truck, and I am already on a yarn/fiber diet.
9. Save for a new truck. Mine is gonna crap out one of these days, but keeping fingers crossed that it lasts until spring/summer of 2012. It can be my graduation present - we won't discuss how many years it is actualy taking me to get my degree.
10. Continue being kind. Yeah, well people who know me would never accuse me of being kind. But when someone does something unkind, like cutting me off in traffic, running over me with the shopping cart, that kind of thing, I now just look at them and remind myself that they will get theirs. Then I try to smile and wave at them, because that usually confuses them. I am a firm believer in what goes around comes around, and I don't want to be a cranky old lady when I'm old and grey. Well, I'm grey now, but Miss Clairol fixes that for me quite nicely once a month.
It Is Good
3 days ago
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