Monday, April 23, 2012


This weekend was all abou me.   It was rainy and icky and I decided I hadn't had a all about me weekend in a long time.   So nails done, which I do regularly anyway, bought some new shoes, colored my hair, had a massage and got a new "doo"

I love the guy who cuts my hair.   The first time I walked into the salon, it was a step of faith when I sat down in the chair.   My hair was longish, thick and just blah.    When I started to tell him what I wanted he told me to be quiet, he knew what to do.    I closed my eyes and 40 minutes later was so glad I let him have at it.    About every 6 months or so he changes my look.    Yesterday I told him it was time to change and then he actually let me tell him what I didn't want.  we have a pact, he makes sure my cut is flattering and I don't have to take care of it other than regularly or irregulary as in my case, I get it trimmed up.   This morning I washed, wrapped my hair in a towel for a few minutes, then bent over and fluffed it up.    Thirty minutes later it is try and fantastic.    Oh, he did fuss at me a little because I color my own hair, and Saturday afternoon when I got rid of the roots I wasn't so careful, so the skin around my face was stained a little purble at the hair line.    He just frowned at me, I opened my eyes all big and then said, well it fades in a few days.    He went and got some magic stuff so now I don't have a purple frame around my face.   

Wednesday, April 18, 2012


Dear Hacker in Japan: 

My facebook friends are 90 percent knitting sites, knitters, a few fashion sites and my kids and a few of their friends.    I don't have any personal information on my about me page.  What information that is there was filled out because facebook required it.  It isn't quite accurate - I'm not a 59 year old man so your attempts to sell me viagra really aren't going far.    Your recent attempt to hack into my facebook account only resulted in them blocking the acount until I tried to access it this morning.    I guess at least someone was smart enough to realize I probably wasn't in Japan.   And since I only look at it about once a week it has probably been blocked for a long time.   But really?   

Monday, April 16, 2012

If you have to choose between a rock and a hard place,
pick the rock, then throw it at the person who got you into that hard place.

Saturday, April 14, 2012

Oh Noes

Of course, today I decide that maybe it is time to visit the blog again.   And I see that they are changing the blog format?   I also don't deal with change well.   technology isn't my strong suit.  So I will start posting again and figure it out.  

At the same time I'm getting a new computer becuse mine crashed last week, before I could print out the taxes that I had finished.  And it took all my pictures with it.   The ones that I never backed up because I knew that "it wouldn't happen to me".