Monday, August 30, 2010

Happy National Toasted Marshmallow Day

And that should say it all shouldn't it?  

Guess what's on the table tonight.

Sunday, August 29, 2010

Homework Guidelines

College study guidelines recommend that you study three hours at home for every hour of class you have.   Seriously?   That would be 33 hours a week for me.   I've been cramming it in in 15 minute slots here and there.  In the morning with my coffee, at lunch instead of reading The Girl with the Dragon Tatoo and I Really want to finish that.  At night after class and this weekend I studied, cleaned, studied, did laundry, studied, bought food for the week, studied, oh, and then I went out to Misty Mountain Farm and played with yarn for a few hours.   Because a girl's gotta do what a girl's gotta do.    I knitted for the first time in a week Saturday morning from 6 to 7 am while watching the Outer Limits and drinking coffee.   I don't really miss television because A it's a huge time sucker and B there is never anything interesting on.  Except NCIS on Tuesdays and I'm home from school before it starts, made sure of that on my schedule.   And how pathetic is it that I enjoyed the Outer Limits?  

Well the crazy schedule only lasts 8 weeks, then it gets a little less crazy . . . .

Saturday, August 28, 2010

Rude Inconsiderate People

Don't you hate it when someone opens their mouth and nasty crap just spills out.   Not bad word nasty crap, but speaking without thinking, no control switch, diarrhea of the mouth crap. 

Well that was me on Thursday night. 

I wasn't thinking, I was annoyed and pissed and tired.   No, there is no excuse for it, and had I said it to my sister or close friend, she would have understood where it came from, maybe slapped at me a bit to remind me that I'm not all that special and then it would be done. 

But no.   I said it to a relative stranger.   An on-line friend who hadn't had time to become a friend yet.  And I've thought of nothing else for the past two days.

So now I need to go suck myself up some balls and humble pie and apologize.

I hate being a grown up sometimes.

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Go Read The Yarn Harlot

From: Elisabeth G. MacNamara

Subject: Happy Women's Equality Day!
Date: Thursday, August 26, 2010, 8:34 AM

Dear Louise,

Happy Women's Equality Day!

It's hard to believe that just 90 years ago, on August 26, women defeated overwhelming opposition to win the right to vote.

The League of Women Voters - founded the same year - celebrates this historic milestone by promoting greater civic participation and healthy debate on the issues that matter most to our nation and our communities.

This Women's Equality Day, we take time to recognize not only the historic 19th Amendment, but the tremendous progress we've made over the last 90 years in expanding and protecting voting rights. Generation to generation, the work of League supporters like you has been a testament to the incredible legacy of the 19th Amendment.

And today, as we approach the November midterm elections and face new and even greater challenges as a nation, the League believes that the hands-on work of an engaged citizenry can and does lead to civic improvement at all levels of government.

Spread the word about the League's Women's Equality Day celebrations. Send a personalized League e-card to your friends and family reminding them of this important day and telling them about the League's important work.

Ninety-one years ago, as victory seemed imminent for the 19th Amendment, Carrie Chapman Catt proposed the founding of the League of Women Voters to "finish the fight." For 90 years, the League has kept that promise alive for each coming generation. Today, as a League supporter, you have the opportunity to continue to make a profound, direct and positive impact on the issues that matter most to our community and the generations to come.


Elisabeth MacNamara

President, LWVUS

P.S. How are you celebrating Women's Equality Day? Please visit our Facebook page and tell us about your plans.

League of Women Voters
1730 M Street NW, Suite 1000
Washington, DC 20036
Phone: 202-429-1965

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

I Can Do This

Mid-Week.   School started Monday, so I've had each class one time.   Last night I came home at 7:15 and was in bed by 9:00.   This morning I didn't want to get up.    But it's only 8 weeks of this crazy schedule and I can do it.  I know I can.  I can't be tired forever can I?  Naw.   Next week will be easier.

Biology lab is tonight after lecture . . . we'll see how THAT goes.    There's a kid who sits behind me and wants to be a dentist.   I want to be his lab partner.   He can just carry me along.

Economics is pretty basic.   I was a little worried about a liberal arts teacher teaching it, but she seems okay, and I can actually understand her most of the time.   However the shy little girl who sits next to me?   Not so much.   She has an accent which in and of itself isn't necessarily a problem, but she speaks in whispers.   She gives an answer, the instructor says exactly.   Huh?   exactly what?

Monday, August 23, 2010

My New Career

I have now decided that in addition to my full time work at a community college I need to offer services on the proper attire for students.

Today was the first day of the semester.   We are a pretty big CC and have a huge international student population.   We are very proud and excited about all the countries represented.    We're also proud of our surfer dudes, goth population and geeks.

Today however, I saw a girl I'm sure was attending for the first time.   She was wearing:

Shocking pink mary jane pumps
Shocking pink anklet socks with doubel rows of lace trim
A white mini skirt
Pink (I think) tank top with pink tulle wrapped around her upper body in some sort of top
A white mini pillbox/tophat with white tulle and feathers perched at a jauntly angle on her head.

I had to cut through two buildings before I could bust a gut and let it out.   Unfortunately I was laughing at her and am wondering how many other people will do the same.   I know, I know, you can't judge a person by how they dress and I grew up in the '60s so lets just not go there shall we?  

However, I always told my children especially when they were starting a new location, dress/behave as you intend to continue. 

Perhaps I can offer a summer weekend  course in proper attire.

Saturday, August 21, 2010

Work, Work, Work

Becuase for some reason I seem to be able to procrastinate on anything that needs to be done in a timely manner so that I will be relaxed and ready today I am taking care of all the little things that need to be done before school starts Monday.   I announced last night that "tonight is the last free ride night"   That means, if you're in the kitchen it better look the same way when you leave as it did when you came in.    I will be sure there is food available, you'd best feed yourself and be neat about it.    Of course the cat's weren't impressed.    I have pretty finger nails and toe nails, I forgot to go get eyebrows shaped, but I have bangs so it really doesn't matter.   I was thinking about a massage, but will save that one for September when I'm tense and need to relax - because often times I bite off more than I can chew.

I've been doing the chapter questions in one of my text books.  WHAT exactly was I thinking?  Oh yeah, I know.   I need to get this done for the satisfaction I will feel in the end.   Yeah.  Right.   Then I remember a guy at work.   He has a degree.   He's been a certified licensed architect for 17 years.   Yet he can't run a project, successfully pull a permit, or get the simplest of things done.   I asked someone if it was because maybe he had a "problem" and just wasn't wired to do these things or was he just plain stupid?   Answer, a little of both.

SO, not only have I explained to daughter that we will be on dean's list ever semester we are in school, but now I've got to rethink someof my "elective" classes and be smarter than the "bewiched guy".  

In the mood for ice cream, and since I don't think I have enough milk, will go make some lemon sorbet, becuase I have lemons that need to be used today or else . . . . wander if the ABC store is still open.

Friday, August 20, 2010

Derek Farley - Hero

I could have spent today writing about some inane and silly topic, and was getting ready to when I heard about Derek Farley.  

Having a son who was in Iraq until recently, I can well relate to the fear and admiration his parents have for him.   It is a fine line that parents of soldiers walk.   When we share our fears and sadness we are met often times by those who try to cheer us up, tell us get over it, he/she will be back or tell us that this is a war we shouldn't be in or some other inane statement.   Parents of soldiers stick together because we know what it's like.  You don't just get over it. 

Words cannot express my sadness at the news of Derek's death.   Nor can I put into words my admiration for the bravery his parents are demonstrating right now. 

You are a Good Man Derek and you will live on in the lives of many.

Thursday, August 19, 2010


A few years ago I had an acquaintance whose mother joined the Peace Corps.   She went to China for a year.   She was 85 years old.   I thought that was the most wonderful thing I had heard and said I wanted to be just like her when I grew up . . . I was approaching my 50th birthday.   So I started eating better, exercising more, that one has fallen by the wayside a bit, and decided while I may not want to go to China with the Peace Corps when I'm 85, I want to know that I can.   I at least want to be able to get down on the floor easily and play with any grandchildren that might come along in the future . . . pleasedeargod not too soon though.

Why is it that we continue to believe old people need extra help?   I know some are very frail and do, but just because you look old and sound old doesn't necessarily mean you FEEL old.  And don't get me started on the people who shout at the elderly and call them "hon". 

I was walking back to my office today after lunch and an elderly woman was asking a student how to get to the bus for King Street.   He didn't know.   So I told her walk down this way, go to the main road and the bus stop is right there on your right.  I'm not sure which bus she needed but that was her only option and they all go that direction, she may have needed to change buses, unless she meant the subway station, then she was good.   She said thank you very much and off she went with a smile on her face.   It wasn't terribly hot today, she was dressed correctly and had a wide brimmed straw hat on.   It is maybe a 5 minute walk if you're not in a hurry. 

I almost went to find my car and drive her.   Then I rembered my vow and  reminded myself that just because you are "old" you aren't helpless.   She seemed to have all her facilities about her and seemed perfectly capable of taking the bus which will go straight down to where she needs to be.

I've been reading CLEAN because I've wondered about a detox diet or plan that doesn't include taking a punch of pills or having water "flushed" through your system.   Now I just need to pull myself up and get brave.   I'm going to start with the pre-detox plan and while I'm not positive I can do an entire three weeks, I know I can do one week of the plan.  Maybe two.   

Let the juicing begin.

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

So, I've apparently taken a blogging break.   Didn't really mean to, and I sabotaged myself by saying silently, I should write every day even if it's stupid rambling.   The best way to get me to NOT do something is to say I'll do it.   I need to practice better reverse psychology.

So, for Wednesday . . .

School starts for me in a week and I must be insane to think I can take two classes - one being a condensed version that will be done in 8 weeks - which is the part I like.   The other is biology.   I haven't taken biology since sometime in the . . . well just after christ was promoted from a corporal.   But in order to improve my mind and get a whole 4 year degree it is a necessity. 

The economics class scares me a little, not so much becuase it's economics and not really a "math" class . . . which I also have to take several of, but becuase when I got on line to the site rate my professor this one didn't show up.   So I checked rate my college and then looked for the professor, she still didn't show up.  So then I looked her up on the college web site.   She's a liberal arts teacher.   WHAT does that mean?   has she ever taught this class before.   Does she know anything about it?   So will it be lectures and lots of tests?   Lots of papers due?   Group projects (pleasedeargodno) 

Well, gotta take it.   The only other way to take it is at a different campus and traffic just sucks in this area so why would I sit in traffic for a couple of hours to get to a class I can take 3 miles from home?    

Will have to keep everyone posted on this one - and now that I've said it, you may hear from me about it when I graduate - HA

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Vet Visit

Annual vet visits are not a day of celebration in our house.   First there's the problem of corraling two cats and convincing them they they truly do want to get into their crates.    Then there's the 20 minute ride in a car that you repeatedly assure them they want to be in.   Oh the howling.   It was so pathetic I laughed.    Then there's the howling while I walk through the parking lot carrying a 15 lb cat in each hand - while they howl.   Into the vet's office, where there are many other kitties in crates.   They aren't howling.    Jack didn't stop until I put him back in the car to go home.   Fortunately he's had the same vet since he was 8 weeks old, so she's kind, and finds him amusing.   And didn't check his ears since that is the worse part of a physical and it didn't seem worth upsetting him more.   He got a rabies shot and got to go back into his crate.   Where he howled.

Stanley sat/crouched quietly during his exam, was told how pretty he is, how his teeth and ears are so clean.  and didn't budge during his rabies shot.    Then we were discussing outside cats and the Tom that roams and terrorizes the neighborhood.   So it was decided maybe a lukemia shot would be order just to be on the safe side.    Stanley took his well - she uses the air type shot. 

Jack had to be pulled out of his crate again.   He was NOT amused.

But now they're home and while I won't go so far to say they are happy, they are at least less unhappy.

Don't even THINK about putting me in the car again

I'm right there with you - wish I could look more fierce

Monday, August 9, 2010

Spin Cycle

Years ago, when I was around 40 and worrying about making it to 50 and beyond healthy I got up 3-4 mornings a week at was at the gym lifting weights by 6 am.   spent about 30 minutes doing a routine, then home for shower and work.    A few times I would go to an exercise class.   I always passed the spin cycle room.   It looked kinda fun and they had loud music.   So I tried it out one day.   I made many misstakes, the first being not letting the instructor know I had NO idea what I was doing - but how hard can it be to get on a stationary bike and pedel?   She was kinda intimidating and maybe a little rude so I suffered and muddled through.   I could barely walk when the class was done, and I didn't keep up very well.    The spin room is on the bottom floor of the rec center.   That means two flights of stairs to get up because there's no elevator.   I. Thought. I. Would. Die.    I vowed never to get near one of those horrible things again.

So, I kept up with my weights, until I wasn't really working too hard anymore, and the very pregnant woman was doing way better than I was.   So I quit. 

I walk not far every day, but as long as it's not over 95 degrees out I go about 5 miles a day with my daughter, probably 4 times a week.   I Yoga on occasion, especially if I'm feeling like I've sat too much.  I wii on occasion, and keep saying I need to start doing that again.

My older overweight sister decided earlier this summer it's finally time to do something about her health.  YEA!  She's eating better, not depression eating quite as often and goes to the gyp 3-5 times a week.   And she spin cycles.   She wants me to do it too, becuase she wants me to ride a bicycle with her on the paths.   Of course we live 70 miles from each other so I'm not sure when or how often we can get together for that, but I haven't ruled it out.    So after months of nagging I found a beginner spin cycle class.   In the very same room where I. Thought I. Would. Die.   She came with me this past Sunday for my first class.

The class was taught by a woman named Karen.   Karen was apparently sick Sunday so Bruce was teaching the class.   Bruce is about 6' tall and has arm muscles bigger than my fat, flabby thighs.   I was a little worried.   But I put my big girl panties on and said with my hand raised, I've never done this before.   He was SO NICE.   He showed me how to adjust the bike to work for me, and since it was a beginner class, it wasn't so difficult.   Don't get me wrong, I sweated, and quite a bit, but I could walk up those stinkin two flights of steps when we were done, and I was starving by the time we went to get lunch.  

I actually may even go again.   Apparently sometime a year or so ago, I bought a block of visits on my rec center card.    I have 19 times left to go that have already been paid for.   


Thursday, August 5, 2010

Rain and Cats

Do not necessarily go together.  Well, the rain doesn't really care about cats, in fact it probably laughs at them.   FLowers and trees and grass like rain.   Sometimes dogs like rain.  Cats not so much.

I called home today when it started getting storm dark.   I called because I was pretty sure that DH was asleep it being about 3 in the afternoon.   I said let the cats in, it's gonna storm.   Then I continued to work and watch the storm.   Oh, yeah, we had a storm.   Black skies, rain going sideways, it was a thing of beauty.   If you like storms. 

I left work a little later than normal to let the rain stop some, it slowed down but was good and steady, not a problem I said, I'm going home, as long as no trees fell across the road between work and home I'll be there in 10 minutes and can dry off . . . or walk if I have to.   When I got inside DH said he couldn't find Jack.

My poor baby was out in a storm.  as much as a pain in the ass my cat is, I love him.   So, since I was already wet I went around the house looking for him and calling.   I checked at the back fence because sometimes he likes to go to the neighbors house.   I looked under the shed because that would be the logical place to hide if stuck outside during a storm.    Then I worried that because he's such a stupid cat that maybe he went down in the sewer system to get away from the rain - that would be bad.   So then I told myself that he was fine and walked back around to the front of the house.

There was my poor boy at the front door, he was wet, all the way under his belly.   He was not happy.    And walked right in when I opened the door.   then the problem became, it was cold in the house and he needed to be dried off.   Hahahahahahaha   It took two of us and even then we didn't get him all dried off, but once he started grumbling and really trying to get away, I had to let go.    Stanley (the other cat) was very cautious for awhile around cranky cat.    But now he's dry, and all fluffy and soft and gasp clean.

And annoyed that I won't let him back out.   It's thundering.   Looks like rain.